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Sunday, November 21, 2010

Light at the end of the tunnel?

Can it really be? Is the self-imposed coffee ban nearly over?

Our Coffee Bean is just about 15 weeks old now, which means lots of good stuff including a big fat welcome to the 2nd trimester and a happy farewell to most of the morning sickness. The smell of coffee is suddenly not so nausea-inducing after all. Yippee! A few days ago, while at my parents house, I even had a few sips of Husband’s coffee. Father Dearest had pulled out a Café Noir espresso for the afternoon caffeine fix. I’d actually had the Café Noir before in its instant form (not bad for an instant actually) and was very pleased with the bean variety. Although an espresso blend, when prepared as a regular brew (café au lait style) the Café Noir carried a gentle, unassuming flavour that was neither overpowering nor too subtle. I would have asked to try my very own cup of the drink but I’m not tempting the coffee gods just yet! I’ll be taking it a little at a time.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats to Ma and Pa Coffebean! I hope you are doing well and this is very, very good news.

    Lots of hugs from us three
    Suzette, Peter & Thor
