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Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Ovaltine or Milo?

I wrote about my wonderful discovery of Cocoa Tea a couple months ago and listed some of the many derivatives and imitators that we drank as children.  Well, I'm now back to those childhood drinks courtesy my ever expanding Coffee Bean. The morning coffee selection of Dean's Beans and Social blends have been replaced replaced by the chocolaty trio of Ovaltine, Milo and Quik.  While certainly not as exciting and stimulating as the coffee blends, the chocolaty trio has at least been a tasty alternative.

I think perhaps my favourite of the three may be the Milo. Half cup to three quarters cup warmed milk, 3 heaped teaspoons of Milo, hot water to top off, stir and drink! Smooth, chocolate goodness in a cup.  Not too strong, not too sweet.  The Ovaltine is prepared in much the same way but requires an extra 4th teaspoon to release a full-bodied chocolate flavour.  Quik is probably the most cost effective of the lot, requiring only 2 teaspoons for a full flavour.  However, Quik is also, by far, the sweetest of the three powdered drinks.  Each spoon of chocolate goodness packs quite a sugar punch.  The malt present in the Milo and Ovaltine also offers a more complex and interesting taste as compared to the Quik.

Anyway, moving on from the PG stuff:
For a real good kick- and a mochaccino of sorts- I'd recommend caffeine lovers add a shot of espresso to any of the aforementioned chocolate drinks.   For a truly decadent drink, top it off with some whipped cream and chocolate shavings.... Yumm!
If you're in the mood for an after dinner coffee cocktail, add a shot of Baileys to a chilled "mochaccino" before topping with the whipped cream.  Enjoy... and have an extra one for me!

1 comment:

  1. I love to drink Milo too! Next is Ovaltine. Although I haven't tried to drink Quik.
