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Friday, September 3, 2010

Date Night

The Coffee Powers-that-Be worked a miracle last evening and arranged for me to get home by 5 p.m.  Wonder of wonders.  Being a loyal and atoning barista to my poor neglected Silvia, I went straight to work on the cappuccinos.  The Dean's Beans Italian Espresso Roast was pulled out and a chilled box of full cream milk was opened.  While Husband got a delicious soup boiling away, I warmed up Silvia and put the beans to grind.  Silvia's and my date night had been pushed up!
Such a darling machine.  I was rewarded with a near perfect double shot, which I split into two for the cappuccinos.  Even the Milk forces were with us.  I pulled out my 12 oz pitcher and got some beautiful foamy milk that helped produce two little hearts.
Oh Silvia, how I missed you!