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Sunday, May 16, 2010

Was it only Beginners’ Luck?


So, still glowing from Monday’s successful initial foray into the big wide wonderful world of espresso making, I came home from work on Tuesday all excited to continue my practice. I set up my Gaggia and my Silvia, put the beans to grind and let the machine warm up.

I should mention that by now I had piqued the interest of my soon-to-be-three-years-old nephew. Mind you, his interest in not something new. Deron has been ‘helping’ Aunty make “hot hot coffee” in the coffee press since before he could even stand on his own. In fact he even drinks his own version of “hot hot coffee”- Milo! It is also called “hot hot coffee” even when chilled.

Again riding on the enthusiasm of Monday’s successful attempts, Husband comes in and asks for a Cappuccino. Not a problem, I think. I grind the coffee, dose and tamp and fit the portafilter back in.

“What you doing” Asks Deron.
“Making hot hot coffee.” I answer.
“Why?” He asks- Yes he is at that stage.
“To drink”. I patiently answer.
“I want to see. Lift me up”. He asks or rather demands as little hands immediately reach up.

So I pick him up, take him over to the Silvia and flip the coffee switch. Ah, here comes the nice rich chocolate brown goodness, then comes the crema (hmm… that’s a bit soon) and look it’s already starting to run clear and watery. Flip off switch. Baby down. What’s going on here?

Okay. Maybe I didn’t tamp hard enough. Next batch in but same thing happens. My pucks even break in two immediately when I dump them in the sink. Yesterday’s pucks kept their shape. Coffee also tastes a bit bitter. Hmm…

I decide to try steaming the milk. Give myself a break from the brewing. Little feet are still pattering right behind me trying to get the best view possible from below the height of the counter. Husband has come out to see the milk get steamed and foamed. I fill my coffee mug half way (have to buy the milk pitcher still), flip the steam switch and open the steam valve- SPLATTER WHOOSH SPLATTER SPLAT WHOOSH SPLATTER

Little feet run to the opposite side of the kitchen, Husband jumps with surprised look on his face. I turn off the valve and move away quickly. Of course the milk is still cold so all the jumping and running was complete unnecessary! What a mess!!! Milk all over the counter, splattered all over Silvia and numerous other counter items.

I probably turned on the steam wand while it was too close to the surface of the milk. So I sulked for a bit, cleaned up the kitchen counter and the Silvia then got back to milk frothing.

On the plus side there were no more spills and the milk did get hot. Did I get cappuccino consistency milk? NOOOO!

Oh well, I’ll try again tomorrow.

Tips for tomorrow:
1. Try adjusting the Gaggia to a 5 grind (instead of the 6).
2. Run hot water through the grouphead and portafilter to get them warmed up before pulling the shot.
3. Have less audience!

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