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Sunday, August 1, 2010

Millennium Mochacinno

Sister-in-Law #1 comes to visit from Thursday. Sister-in-Law #1 says she does not drink coffee and that I’ll have to come good to entice her or figure out some tasty alternative. I think Sister-in-Law #1 needs to have a taste of a good cappuccino. She is, after all, the reason Silvia is even in my possession. If you ever need to pack large items but have limited space, give her a call. Somehow she managed to get Silvia and Gaggia into suitcases and well within weight limits. Santa’s packers ain’t got nothing on her!

Anyway, in honour of the impending visit I’ve started practicing some alternative drinks. These drinks will still contain some coffee/ espresso but in lower quantities. Today’s alternative drink was Susan Zimmer's Millennium Mochaccino. The drink starts with hot, fresh espresso. (I pulled the poor neglected Moka Pot out of storage for this one). Unsweetened chocolate, water, sugar and cinnamon are added; and the mélange is gently simmered until the chocolate is completely melted. To complete this calorie heavy splurge, a healthy dose of whole milk is added for colour and creaminess. You can top the Millennium Mochacinno with whipped cream if your heart so desires and your waistline is objection free. I topped mine with foamed milk and a cinnamon stick!

Taste: rich and creamy but not overpowering, lightly coffee flavoured and not too sweet. The cinnamon aroma and flavour added a calorie-free pinch of decadence. I definitely prefer this drink over the über-rich and creamy Bicerin.

Sister-in-Law should be pleased.

Oh Moka Pot I have not forgotten you.
Faithfully bubbling away

  Finished product       


  1. My espresso pot saved my life when I started working and doing night shifts. I got it from Oli as a present, and it even has my name engraved on it! I'm going to have to try this drink... and then do the equivalent of 5 runs around the savannah to compensate!

  2. LOL- 5 rounds indeed. I felt like I'd consumed a whole day's worth of calories after this one!
    How cute though- your name on the pot. love it!
